
Drone that crashed into the White House

What is happening what exactly at the Guantanamo base. Evolution of the drone is remarkable. During the morning of the month (local) about the dangers of innovation Haram. Small unmanned flight model machine (drone) has entered in the low-altitude flight to the White House. In response to this emergency situation, proved but the White House has laid a temporary alert, if you look criminal flew This is a secret service to carry out the presidential guard. Merely had to skip drunk at home, it crashed into the White House by mistake. Guarding the White House, surprisingly No such lax What counter-terrorism? Helped also been considered. Because it loaded with bomb drones Nante rush to the White House in the low-altitude flight, but because that was not funny even happening. In considering these days of terror alert, the attack using equipped with drones and explosives, must be naturally wary. In fact America's largest sporting event held in Alabama immediately after the accident, in the NFL Super Bowl, had flight ban drone over a wide range of around 0 miles in advance stadium is issued.

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